Featured Volunteer: Ankitha Gangarapu
We are pleased to add Ankitha Gangarapu to The Second Wind Coffeehouse barista of the week, ‘Hall of Fame.’ Ankitha is equally as kind as she is intelligent. Ankitha is a senior OU student studying, Letters with a double Biology and Spanish minor. Ankitha loves Latin and classical electives. Latin is her passion and continues to learn the dead language every semester. You can find Ankitha studying, volunteering or hanging out at Second Wind almost any day of the week. Her unparalleled dedication to the Second Wind community is felt almost immediately within a five-foot radius of Ankitha.
Ankitha is always willing to help out around the shop, regardless of her schedule. She consistently picks up other baristas’ shifts and is a staple contributor in keeping the shop running. Her kindness rubs off on others and when Ankitha is around, her positive presence is known. Although Ankitha is a new addition to the SW barista family, she’s been a regular since her sophomore year. Second Wind stood out to her because of the community of regulars who she now considers some of her closest friends. Now at the shop, she’ll make the rounds to say hello to everyone she knows and has to leave so her homework can get done.
She is currently focusing on graduate school applications in a Master’s for Public Health mainly in Texas. Her biology degree will be instrumental in a general medicine career to work with minority populations and rural communities around Texas.
Her current obsession is the macadamia nut syrup and recommends a macadamia nut flat white or a classic, dirty chai latte.
“A closing statement? That’s too much pressure.”